10 Most Innovative Rock Acts Of The 2010s

5. Alex Cameron

Another musician from Down Under making waves during the last decade - Alex Cameron might be the most enigmatic and enjoyable singer songwriter of the current era. His weird quirky and somewhat unsettling appearance transfers into his music. You have to hold your breath as you take the plunge, but once you've become accustomed to his quirks, you recognise so much of his visual and musical aesthetic is tongue in cheek.

Musically, Cameron leans on a lot of heartland rock tropes in the style of your Springsteens and Tom Pettys. But where he's really making inroads is in his approach to writing lyrics. He manages to imbue all this sincerity and humour into contemporary and often dark subject maters.

The song True Lies, for example, is a love ballad about an addiction to online sex workers. He admits the current object of his desire could be an old man posing as a women, but he's willing to have the wool pulled over his eyes to continue the exciting digital interactions. It's entertaining stuff.

With each new record his writing style has only developed for the better. But, with the the backing of his musical partner Roy Molloy deploying an enjoyably '80s sounding sax onto his albums, his back catalogue should not be ignored.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.