10 Most Innovative Rock Acts Of The 2010s

6. King Tuff

King Tuff's sound developed pretty drastically during the 2010s. His solo work during the 2000s lent heavily on the rock music of the '60s and '70s, laced with Velvet Underground influences, touches of the Ramones and all manor psyche rock tropes. It was enjoyable stuff, if not somewhat unoriginal.

But his sound developed during the last decade. The culmination of roughly 15 years in the business resulted in the 2018 record The Other. The album brought all those slightly dated sounds very much into the 21st century. With exciting dance beat drumming (courtesy of Ty Segall) and a reserved but effective deployment of the (now ever present in modern rock) synthesiser, his current sound is worth a listen.

Tuff hasn't shied away from his psychedelic rock roots, however. There's still a number of riff driven tracks on his latest album, but he's less reliant on the guitar to create the melody these days. Tracks like Birds of Paradise make good use of the saxophone to create a unique sound that still rocks hard, despite the less prominent guitar.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.