10 Most Successful Rock Music Star Siblings

9. The Stefanis (Gwen And Eric)

No Doubt formed in... wait a second... that can't be right. 1986?! No Doubt were formed when Ronald Reagan was President?! That's mad.

Anyway, they wouldn't release their first record until 1992, before going on to great success across the rest of the decade. Their biggest release, 1995's Tragic Kingdom, has sold over 16 million copies around the world and helped launch the ska punk revival of the mid-'90s.

At the core of the band were two siblings, Gwen and Eric Stefani. Eric had initially formed the band as its keyboard player and recruited his younger sister on backing vocals. Gwen quickly upgraded her part and became the group's frontwoman.

Tragic Kingdom actually proved to be No Doubt's final album featuring Eric, who left shortly after to pursue a career in animation. This would lead to him working on shows like The Simpsons and The Ren & Stimpy Show.

As for Gwen, well, if you haven't heard of her, then where have you been?

The Stefanis' post-No Doubt successes may have come in fields outside of rock music, but you can't deny the impact they've had on culture as a whole.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.