10 Most Timeless Classic Rock Albums

1. Abbey Road - The Beatles

If you were anywhere close to the Beatles in the late ‘60s, there was no question as to how much animosity had been built up. With each member retreating into their own artistic corner, the chances of them coming together one more time seemed slim to none. Instead of just fading away, The Fab Four came back and gave us an artistic statement for the ages.

Not only did Abbey Road knock it out of the park upon release, but the reverberations of its impact are still being felt today. Across every song on this album, the band pushed themselves that much further to turn their songs into bold artistic movements. Songs like “Something” and “Here Comes the Sun” may seem simple enough, but the use of synthesizers and crystal clear production have given them a new life unto themselves.

In addition to the typical rockers is the B-side medley, which manages to cram almost 9 different song ideas into one of the greatest pieces of music that the pop world has ever seen. There was no set plan for the Beatles to become one of the biggest bands on the planet, but sometimes the stars align in just the right way for musicians to bring absolute magic to our ears.

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Pink Floyd
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