10 Most Timeless Classic Rock Albums

2. The Wall - Pink Floyd

When you think about timeless music, Pink Floyd almost feels like they should have their own separate category. From their staggering concept albums to their full embrace of modern technology, these prog giants have written the rules on how to make timeless works. Even though Dark Side of the Moon is heralded as the closest to perfection the band has come to, the Wall has a much more cohesive concept running through it.

Though most of Floyd’s work at this period involved concept albums, the Wall is Roger Waters’ vision of the rock opera to end all rock operas. Structured as the story of a rock star withdrawing himself from society, the beauty of the record lies in its deceptive simplicity. Throughout the runtime of this album, there are some of the most straightforward cuts this band would ever write, but the way in which they’re played makes you feel like you’re hearing them for the first time.

Even with some of the segue tracks feeling detached from the main concept, there are so many layers to the production that people are still finding new elements of it, like the spoken word at the end which puts the album in a continuous loop. The Wall may seem a bit of a pretentious endeavor at first glance, but the fundamentals behind this record are probably never going to go out of style.

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Pink Floyd
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