10 Most Underrated Bands Of The '90s

7. Blind Melon

Since day one, Blind Melon had an enormous amount of potential. From one track to the next, the band were on the cusp of going beyond grunge altogether and taking rock in a kookier direction. But, as with all great bands, their time in the sun faded just as they were getting started.

Formed in California, the band's main attraction was frontman Shannon Hoon, who was as charismatic onstage as he was chaotic off of it. As if being anointed by the rock gods, Shannon had become lifelong friends with Guns N Roses frontman Axl Rose and even contributed backing vocals to the band's power ballad "Don't Cry." As if that boost wasn't enough, the group's first single "No Rain" became an MTV staple, complete with a girl in a bee outfit to add an extra slice of weird.

Going forward, the band took the more alternative tendencies of their peers and combined it with the bright, sunny sounds of '60s rock, which was abundantly clear by Hoon's hippie look onstage. However, with the hippie look came a copious drug problem, which led to Hoon dying of a drug overdose in 1995. They have since reunited on occasion, but it's hard to retain past glory when your shining star burned out too fast.

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