10 Music Videos That Could Be Horror Movies

1. MGMT - Kids

MGMT’s video follows the viewpoint of a child, an added vulnerability which easily translates from the outset. Confined in his crib, insectoid monsters - seemingly constructed with rancid butcher’s offcuts - scratch at him from the darkness. His mother intervenes but cannot see the creatures.

The horror continues outside and during daylight, with more human-like monster’s shambling around the real world. They are terrifying parodies of people with mangled and charred skin. The most horrific of the horde is a police officer with severe skin trauma for a head - how Freddy Krueger might have looked if Wes Craven had no faith in Robert Englund’s acting ability - and another stark visual undoubtedly comes from a car full of dishevelled animal mascots.

The video excels at building a world filled with terrifying creatures which only the child, and viewers, can see. The animated ending of the video is also surreal and therefore open ended for exploration.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.