10 Musicians Who Hated Being Famous

8. All of Pink Floyd - Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd first emerged in the late 60's sounding like your typical psychedelic act. Across their first few releases, the songwriting of Syd Barrett was a bit weird, but endless entertaining at the same time. However, fame would become a funny thing for every single member of the group.

It all started when Barrett's abuse of drugs led him to the brink of sanity, after which he left the group and went into hermit-like seclusion. Drafting in David Gilmour, the band continued to expand upon their sound as their audiences got bigger and bigger. Once the band got finished their album The Dark Side of the Moon, they were almost completely adrift.

Much of the band's later output would be bassist Roger Waters venting his frustrations with fame in song, from the corporate greed of "Welcome to the Machine" to the condemnation of the business mindset on Animals. In the ultimate display of facelessness, Waters built his grand vision The Wall to be centered around a man losing himself to the rock star lifestyle and eventually closing himself off from society.

The pain of sudden attention may have been hard for these guys, but it did end up giving us some of the most timeless rock music ever made.

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Pink Floyd
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