10 Musicians Who Hated Being Famous

7. John Frusciante - Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Red Hot Chili Peppers lived up to their name in the '90s by becoming one of music's most in-demand acts. Off the strength of the album Blood Sugar Sex Magik, the band's songs were being played all over MTV and radio right alongside the grunge acts of the day. While the band was taking in all the attention, John Frusciante was not having any of it.

Unlike his bandmates, Frusciante never anticipated the Chilis actually getting that big and was quite content make his living in an underground rock band. As soon as the band blew up, Frusciante's subdued nature found it hard to relate to the thousands of people who were showing up to gigs every night. With fans and press clamoring to him at every corner, Frusciante kept all his energy bottled up inside and started to spiral.

Finding refuge in his drug addiction, Frusciante would end up going through bouts of depression and would even end up involuntarily sabotaging the band's SNL appearance when he played the beginning of "Under the Bridge" out of step with the rest of the band. Frusciante ended up quitting the band shortly afterward, choosing to make more artsy music until his eventual return in the late '90s.

For as high-energy as the Chili Peppers were, the sudden slew of fame ended up sucking the life out of one of its most soulful musicians.

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