10 Overlooked Masterpiece Songs By Legendary Hard Rock Bands

7. Led Zeppelin - In The Evening

At the tail end of the '70s, the mighty Led Zeppelin released In Through The Out Door, their eighth and final studio album. Critical reception was mixed, and the band themselves have openly stated reservations over the years.

In the wake of the punk explosion, perhaps a certain backlash was inevitable, with Zeppelin now representative of the establishment. Certainly, In Through The Out Door is something of an uneven album. In places it lacks the dynamic drive and power which made their previous records so thrilling. To dismiss it entirely, though, would be a mistake.

In The Evening is as visceral and epic in scope as anything the boys had laid down before. From the dramatic, swirling opening, to the classic stomping beat and riff by Bonham and Page, respectively, this is Zep at their hard-rocking best.

Clocking in at over six minutes in length, the track provides plenty of room for the players to stretch out, with some wonderfully nuanced playing by Page in particular, especially towards the end of the song. Whatever you think of the album from which it came, In The Evening can stand alongside Zep's finest.


Chris Wheatley is a journalist and writer from Oxford, UK. He has too many records, too many guitars and not enough cats.