10 Perfect '90s Rock Albums That Are Ridiculously Long

8. Van Halen III - Van Halen

The idea of Van Halen continuing on without lead singer Sammy Hagar in the late '90s already seemed like a bit of a shaky start. Even though they were capable of switching singers like they had done with David Lee Roth, this was around the time that the band was starting to take a bit of a dip on the charts, far from the heights they had reached in the '80s. Hopes were riding high with Gary Cherone, but Van Halen III gave us a lot of scattered ideas and barely enough payoff.

Working more like an Eddie Van Halen solo project than a proper album, one of the biggest crimes of this album is how long it is, with every song being stretched out to be as long as it could possibly go. Though Van Halen had their excessive side back in the day, they still knew the importance of getting in and out after 3 minutes or so. That cannot be said for any song on here, sounding like Eddie is trying to shoehorn in every single riff he can muster into the mix, which sounds either cool or sleepy depending on which song you are listening to.

It also doesn't help that Cherone is singing outside of his normal style here, trying to copy the kind of power that Hagar had and sounding much more terrifying than he normally would when playing with Extreme. There may have been some decent ideas on paper when bringing this album together, but it becomes a chore to spend over 10 minutes to get through just 2 songs.

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