10 Perfect Albums That Broke Up The Band

1. Abbey Road - The Beatles

If we're talking about albums that broke up bands, the Beatles should logically have Let It Be to point to as their swan song. After shelving it and not wanting to really show it to the public, it was clear that those sessions were the moment where the band didn't want to work together anymore. But work together they did, as Abbey Road became the last album of camaraderie amongst the Fab Four.

Looking to make an album the way they used to, the band called up George Martin to make this record, taking all of the great songs that they had been finetuning and actually putting them into a coherent piece. While John Lennon and Paul McCartney had been known as the main songwriters in the group, George Harrison came away with some of the most celebrated songs here, with Here Comes the Sun and Something being gems from his backlog that he brought to the session.

This wasn't just some contractual album to fulfill either, with the band still trying to push themselves on every track, like the heavenly harmonies throughout the song Because before stringing together 9 different tracks on the final side and leaving fans with the message of the love you take being equal to the love you make. The tapes for Let It Be stayed on the shelf for a little bit before becoming the Beatles' last release, but after this album, the Fab Four that the world fell in love with were dead.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97