10 Perfect Alternative Rock Albums With No Bad Songs

3. Heal - Strand Of Oaks (2014)

There's a lot to say about this album. Sonically it manages to cover a lot of territory. In interviews, Timothy Showalter, the man behind the project, comes across like a Dave Grohl character - one of those gruff looking bearded types, that are revealed to be big softies once they open their mouth.

For all that, his lyrics are filled with self deprecating sentiments and bitter reflections about his character. Songs like Heal, speak to the internal journey Showalter seems to be embarking on. Shut In, also talks about internal battles, hinting at past substance abuse and a fear of reverting to old ways.

Musically Showalter has combined his love of heavy guitar music with '80s prog and synth pop. This strange combination, has yielded songs that have a powerful resonates. He also knows how to pack a punch, by delivery a number of explosive guitar solos.

Same Emotion, is almost a straight out synth pop track, but Shut In, takes on the form of a heartland rock number. For all these seemingly opposing sounds, Showalter has managed to stitch everything into a fluid and cohesive record. The variety in sound only adds to the intrigue of each song. This experience should not be missed.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.