10 Perfect Closing Songs In Rock History
4. Motion Picture Soundtrack - Radiohead
So, you've just made OK Computer, one of the single most important records of the decade, and now you have to focus on following that up with something even better. It's a daunting task on its own, and Thom Yorke and co. had no interest in trying to make a sequel to their magnum opus. They needed to dream even bigger, and Kid A's statement of intent ended in immaculate fashion.
This is probably one of the greatest closing tracks just for how it sits within the context of the album. Compared to the sounds of OKC, songs like Idioteque and Everything in Its Right Place threw you into a dense sonic landscape, where everything feels like it's falling apart or on the verge of collapse. So to have everything end on a high note (well, for Radiohead at least), this is their attempt at recreating a Disney soundtrack type of song, complete with orchestral flourishes behind Thom's vocal.
That cynicism does rear its head though, with Thom's character in the song talking about indulging in wine and sad movies before leaving us on the line "see you in the next life." While it's left ambiguous as to what he means, Thom at least seems optimistic for the future this time around. That future might just be a sonic void, but it's still going to be absolutely stunning.