10 Perfect Folk Rock Albums With No Bad Songs
9. Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers (2020)
Eerily mournful string sections and an ominous double bass signal the start of this album. The one minute instrumental is reminiscent something Nick Cave and Warren Ellis might write. It's a precursor to what's to come - an album full of songs that liken the oppressive nature of depression to the apocalypse.
Phoebe breaches explores the darkest confines of her mind, but never in a way that feels overly self-indulgent. Of course she gets personal, that's a given, considering the themes on this record, but she always managers to pull back from becoming gratuitous in her self-flagellation.
Phoebe Bridges embraces the pain of falling apart and the triumph of picking ones self up again. The balance is needed. Although her sombre vocals are enchanting, they are mournful to the point of depressing at times. Garden Song is a lament for things you wished for in your youth. It's beautiful but bleak. Kyto, sonically, sounds more defiant, almost uplifting, but juxtaposes lyrics about her difficult upbringing.
On the surface this album might seem like a journey through emo-ambient space, but for all the themes of depression and sadness, there's a cathartic nature to these tracks.