10 Perfect Rock Albums For Pop Music Fans

4. Enema of the State - Blink 182

And now we go from one of the cleanest records ever made to one of the most immature. That's not even a slam at Blink-182, with a lot of their songs sounding like they were written to be as simple as possible. As much as something like pop punk can be a punch line for the snobs of rock music, Enema of the State is a perfect example of an album that will make kids fall in love with rock and roll.

If there's one real strength that Blink had, it would have to be the songwriting, with melodies that were so infectious that they practically felt like nursery rhymes played on guitars. Aside from the immature humor, the lyrics were also a nice change of pace from what the rest of the rock world was doing, meeting their audience at ground level with songs about teenage angst and wanting to break out of your little town.

It might be a little simple from time to time, but that might just be what makes it so easy for pop fans to grasp onto. This is the kind of record that a pop fan hears for the first time and makes them want to pick up guitars of their own and start writing their own hits. Can that be a bit of a mixed bag? Absolutely, but passing on the tradition of rock and roll to the next generation is rarely ever a bad thing.

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