10 Perfect Rock Albums For Pop Music Fans

5. A Night At the Opera - Queen

Out of all the bands on this list, it's not hard to see why someone like Queen reached the masses. Throughout their entire career, their knack for writing pop songs in the '80s is what made them superstars all over again, with the strength of Another One Bites the Dust giving them a second wind as the greatest rock band on Earth. That was just the second time around though...A Night At the Opera is where they achieved perfection.

Much like the title would imply, this is Queen flirting with a lot more classical music this time around, and it somehow remains one of the catchiest things that they've ever done. Compared to the distorted guitars on many rock albums, this album is almost proud of sounding clean, with some of the most pristine and pure productions on a rock album. There's also a handful of comedic moments to break up the tension, like the jaunty Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon or Seaside Rendezvous.

When Queen commit to a song though, they turn in some of the best tunes the rock world has to offer, whether that's Freddie Mercury wearing his heart on his sleeve on Love of My Life or making one of the most epic songs in pop history with Bohemian Rhapsody. Think about that: here's a song with no chorus, is 6 minutes long, and everyone around the world knows it. The big wigs might call this a happy accident, but it's really just a testament to the geniuses Queen were back in the day.

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