10 Perfect Rock Albums Of The '70s

5. A Night At the Opera - Queen

And now we venture into the popular opposite of the punk movement. Granted, that's not exactly true. For all we know, Queen could have easily made any kind of music they wanted and probably would have still turned out on top in some way. When their back was against the wall though, the rock monarchs hunkered down and gave us one of the most theatrical rock experiences ever created.

Outside of the obvious homages to classical music on the cover, there's a lot more edge to A Night at the Opera than you probably realized, with The Prophet's Song being a massive prog epic that features mountains of guitar overdubs and layers upon layers of vocals. Across the rest of the record, every member runs the gamut of genres, from the folk rock ballad 39 from Brian May to the bluesy ode to the road Roger Taylor makes on I'm In Love With My Car.

It's not like they were taking themselves all that seriously either, with Seaside Rendezvous holding up as one of the funniest tracks to come out of the '70s. And there's really no need to introduce Bohemian Rhapsody again, considering it's the brainchild of Freddie Mercury that has refused to die even with it being nearly 50 years old. It's a bold statement to put yourself on the same level as classical music, but if you have the right idea, anything is possible.

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Pink Floyd
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