10 Perfect Rock Albums That Almost Destroyed Bands

1. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

Coming off of the entire process of creating Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd had gone through enough internal drama than any other musician really needs to go through. Along with the insane touring schedule they were on, the band were also getting fed up with each other's ideas, all while the looming ghost of former leader Syd Barrett hung in the background. So to follow up their masterpiece, they found a way forward by looking further inside themselves.

Although Shine On You Crazy Diamond isn't necessarily a prime candidate for a radio single, it's still one of the most affecting pieces of music that Floyd have ever made, being as much a tribute to their late friend as it is a continuation of their own sound. The production did grind to a halt halfway through though, when Syd actually showed up at the sessions virtually unrecognizable from his former self.

Seeing him in that deprived state seem to just drive the band even further, making the title track a slow lament for his state while also crafting songs like Welcome to the Machine about how ruthless the music business can be if you allow yourself to be sold. Whereas Dark Side of the Moon felt like seeing the struggles that everyone deals with throughout their life, Wish You Were Here reads almost like a cautionary tale for anyone even thinking about trying their hand at music.

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