10 Perfect Rock Songs That Were Never Released As Singles
9. On the Mend - Foo Fighters
Of all the later period Foo Fighters' records, In Your Honor does end up feeling a little bit bloated from time to time. As much charm as Dave Grohl has for any rock frontman, it was hard to get most of the fandom on board with a complete double album of material, especially when the back half is some slower acoustic cuts. If you swear off the back half altogether, you're missing some of the most accomplished songs that Dave would ever write.
While it's easy for people to call out Grohl's tribute to Kurt Cobain on the song Friend of a Friend, On the Mend is where the record really starts to settle into its groove, bringing in the full band and each of them finding their own lane, with the gentle picking guitars giving the whole song an ethereal atmosphere when it starts. From the sound of the lyrics, Dave is also not in a great place, having gone through some turmoil and is now trying to nurse himself back to health.
From the tone of the music though, it looks like things will work out in the end, with Dave looking to push forward and live to fight another day, coupled with one of the greatest guitar harmony lines that the band have ever created. That journey back from the edge is going to be hard, but this is the sonic medicine that you need to keep moving forward.