10 Perfect Rock Songs That Were Written By Accident

8. I've Got A Feeling - Beatles

Towards the end of the Beatles' tenure, there was pretty much no way that the songwriting partnership of Lennon and McCartney was going to work eyeball to eyeball anymore. As respectful as they were during rehearsals, both John and Paul had become songwriters in their own right, often bringing songs to the table fully completed and showing the rest of the band how they went. When you're running on fumes though, sometimes happy accidents are the best method for songwriting.

During the making of the Get Back documentary, you see Paul coming in with the basic skeleton of I've Got a Feeling, which practically thrives on just a simple chord structure to fill out the verses. Although the song was basically halfway to being completed, John had a snippet of a tune called Everybody Had a Hard Year, which fit in perfectly underneath the chords that Paul had.

On the rooftop performance of the tune, the main solution the Fabs had to complete the song was to bring John in to sing his snippet as its own separate verse, with Paul coming in with his original melody over top of his before crashing into the end of the song. Considering the next few years were about to get fairly ugly for both of these men in the press, this stands as one of the last truly great collaborations that they had together.

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