10 Perfect Rock Songs Written At The Last Second

6. Her Majesty - The Beatles

When the Beatles went in to make Abbey Road, there was no real room for filler anymore. The Get Back sessions had already grinded to a standstill, and the Fabs wanted to leave their audience with one last great record to close out their career, weaving together different influences together and making them all fit under one roof. And while the second side of the record features some of the band's greatest masterpieces, the last few seconds of the record actually aren't even supposed to exist.

While it was always the plan to make different songs blend into a medley on the final side, the working progression of the songs was for Her Majesty to follow up Mean Mr Mustard, being a bouncy little ode to royalty from Paul McCartney. Upon listening back to the album in sequence though, Her Majesty broke up the flow of the rest of the track list, and Macca originally asked for the song to be deleted entirely. Throwing something out was considered taboo in recording circles at the time though, and the engineers figured it would be better to put it at the very end of the master tape, coming after a few minutes of silence once The End wraps up.

Being one of the first hidden tracks to come out of a mainstream rock album, Her Majesty is more of a hidden gem than anything else on the album, showing the Beatles' sense of humor a lot more than their songwriting prowess. And just the like the rest of the Fabs' career, the song ends long before most of us were really ready for it to stop.

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Foo Fighters
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