10 Perfect Singles By Terrible Rock Bands

9. Foster The People: Pumped Up Kicks (2010)

For a song about school shootings this is one hella upbeat tune. Back in the 2010s you'd be lucky to escape a nightclub or house party without this being dropped at some point. It has all the elements of a hit: there's a dance inducing beat; a chorus-hook to get everyone chanting; and lyrics that are surprisingly poignant.

Back when this was released it received a huge amount of attention. It wasn't just a great take on dance-rock, it demonstrated the utilisation of the juxtaposition to devastating effect. Think back to the first time someone told you what these lyrics were actually about, it was a shock, right? Get everyone grooving to an irresistible pop track, and then slam them with some political commentary. Solid move.

The track did receive some negative press for the way Mark Foster handled the subject matter, however, - singing about shooting up a school from the perceptive of the shooter was a pretty bold way to tackle the issue of gun control - but if anything it only helped with the group's exposure.

Unfortunately for Foster The People, lighting didn't strike twice. They coasted on the popularity of this track for the next several years, releasing the odd half-decent song every now and then, only to fade away into obscurity.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.