10 Popular Guitar Riffs Invented Accidentally

6. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" stinks of teenage angst and longing for change. The song's famous riff also screams the same message, forcing the world into a new era of music. Hello Grunge.

The song first came about after Kurt Cobain's friend and riot grrrl legend, Kathleen Hanna, wrote, "Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit" on his wall. Cobain took the sentence and ran with it, going on to create a Pixies faux knock off riff that somehow managed to sound unique.

Cobain later revealed that he often mocked-up Pixies inspired riffs and intended to do the same for "Smells Like Teen Spirit." However, the riff then took off on its own, managing to find a whole new genre of music at the same time.

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