10 Problems You'll Only Understand If You Date A DJ

10. Late Nights Are A Given

Even if your DJ S.O is a Friday/Saturday music maestro, if you want to spend any quality weekend time with them at all, you're just going to have to give up any hope of having a regular weekend. Friday sees the two of you (plus his clingy fame-seeking friends) arrive at a nightclub in the early evening. God knows why, because his set doesn't start until midnight and it seems like all everyone is doing in the meantime is drinking. He goes on stage (finally) and plays until four or five in the morning. Cue more drinks to celebrate a successful shift at work. You trundle back together to whichever hotel it is you're staying in in this particular town. He wants to have sex because he's full of excitable adrenaline: you literally can't keep your eyes open because you just worked a nine till five week at the office before coming to support him on his 12 hour high. You both wake up at four the next afternoon, catch a late breakfast/early dinner, and then head to the next club for the Saturday night gig, to perform the whole thing for a second time. The last Sunday morning you saw was over a year ago. All you want in life is to be brought breakfast in bed and have nice morning cuddles as the sun shines through your bedroom window like any other normal couple. Sadly, the life of the DJ is what you have settled for instead.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).