10 Punk Bands You Must Listen To

8. Cockney Rejects

The Cockney Rejects are a English punk band whose song 'Oi, Oi, Oi' is single-handedly the reason why "Oi" is a music genre today. Fiercely East-London, the band explored controversial themes such as street-fighting and football hooliganism. The brothers that formed the Cockney Rejects were both amateur boxers, and luckily so, as their concerts often reportedly decended into violence (although largely by supporters of opposing football teams). Despite not having as much notoriety as many other classic bands of the same theme - it's worth noting that their biggest hit 'The Greatest Cockney Rip-Off' was a parody of Sham 69 - Cockney Rejects have had a small resurgence in the last year as a film was released telling their (often fairly grim) story in 2013, and EMI released their retrospective in tandem.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.