10 Punk Bands You Must Listen To

7. X-Ray Spex

Formed in 1976, X-Ray Spex were another at the forefront of punk's rise. Despite only releasing one record, Germ-Free Adolescents, this album is accepted as a classic punk staple. Their first single, 'Oh Bondage Up Yours!' is a definitive punk rock song, and has been credited with being a pre-cursor to the Riot Girl movement. Opening with "some people think little girls should be seen and not heard but I think, oh bondage, up yours!" it's easy to see why. Lead singer Poly Styrene was also a determined breaker of social norms, stating "I said that I wasn't a sex symbol and that if anybody tried to make me one I'd shave my head tomorrow". Aside from being the platform for a feminist icon, X-Ray Spex's music was staunchly anti-consumerist. Songs such as 'Art-I-Ficial' pointed at the damaging effects of over-consumption with lyrics such as "My existence is elusive/ The kind that is supported/ By mechanical resources". Poly Styrene left the band before the '80s and they split soon after. However a reunion occurred around 10 years later, and the band were surprised by playing to a sell-out gig in London. The band made several other appearances, including London's Love Music Hate Racism" concert. Poly Styrene died of cancer in 2011, but is still making the news - this year Goldblade has released a Christmas single that was a duet with the late great, now standing as a tribute to her.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.