10 Reasons Coldplay Should Be More Respected Than They Are

7. They Clearly Care About The Art Of Their Music

People have a problem with pop bands, and it's easy to see why. A lot of them aren't musicians, they brands; they're there to look good and sell a product that they didn't design. They're targeted at children, because parents will buy the merchandise, and most of them can't actually play an instrument. Coldplay do design the product though. They write all their own songs themselves, they play all the instruments, and they hire whichever producers they feel would suit the record (usually Brian Eno). They have a hand in the cover art, and they work closely with video directors. 'A Rush of Blood to the Head' was delayed by the record company at the band's request, because they didn't feel it was good enough to release yet, and drummer Will Champion has said before that they never actually complete a record, it just gets prized away from them by label bosses. Coldplay clearly see music as art, which is how it should be seen. They want to connect to as many people as they possibly can, but they don't want to compromise their own identity; or as they've said themselves, they don't want to be the biggest band in the world anymore, they just want to be the best.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.