10 Reasons Coldplay Should Be More Respected Than They Are

6. The Charity Work

Over the years, Coldplay have been involved in various charities, such as Oxfam and WaterAid; they've even written songs for Natalie Imbruglia. And whilst it may become tiresome to see Bono or Thom Yorke all over the internet complaining to governments about the state of Africa or climate change, at least they're doing something. Surely these are the celebrities worth looking up to? A lot of them are criticised for getting involved in politics, but there's no motive with many of these charities other than to help the world. It's certainly more than many millionaires do, and by backing causes, it helps raise awareness. For a singer considered top of a Tory's iPod playlist, Chris Martin seems remarkably liberal. And they've even gone some way to help those that can't stand their music, by contributing a track to a charity album raising awareness of tinnitus.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.