4. Everyone Wants To Dress Or Smell Like Me
The acting thing didn't work out. What's another venture you can dive into? Cosmetics and fashion, of course! Your adoring fans will want to smell like you, dress like you, and even paint on makeup like you do. While that is very humble of you, why would you put said items in stores some of your fans can't afford? Macy's, Saks, and Bloomingdales are really nice, but I would need to sell my soul in order to buy a pair of shoes from any of those place.s Maybe you do think of your fans, and you just stick with the (sometimes) more affordable perfume. Why would you make your perfume smell like Satan's farts? Take J.Lo Glow for example. It smells like Bengay and beer. I can't help but think Jennifer Lopez smells like someone's grandpa. You're welcome for that image, by the way. Now take all of those nasty smelling pop star perfumes, and put them in one confined area. You'd need a gas mask and a bible to get through that place.