5. I Can Sing, So I Must Be Able To Act, Too
I like to believe that everyone on this amazing, yet incredibly screwed up planet has one thing they're really good at. It could be dancing, cooking, writing...you name it. Then there's a select few that can either act or sing. Those two groups rarely have a person that can do both. And yet, at one point or another, we get a pop starlet that thinks she can do it. I suppose it kind of makes sense: you conquer the charts, so you have a likely chance of conquering the big screen, right? Not a snowball's chance in hell. I've always wondered about this. Singers have to use their voice to convey the true raw emotion of the song. Acting is kind of the same thing, but it's your whole body. So why does it not seem to work? The best I've found is that acting has a completely different technique from singing, and most singers don't take the time to learn it. I'm just going to say it's because their personalities are about as lively as watching paint dry.