10 Reasons Why Andrew W.K. Is The Greatest Human Being Of All Time

3. He Owns One Of New York€™s Best Nightclubs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr_FwEn5Qlc Here€™s a quick quiz: which one word would you most associate with Andrew W.K? We asked 100 people that very question and every single one of them answered €œparty€. This result (which we didn€™t just totally make up, honest) is entirely predictable. His most famous song is called Party Hard, and it uses the word €œparty€ at least 43 times. If this wasn€™t enough, €œparty€ features in no less than three song titles on his debut album, and another on its follow-up, The Wolf. For a man so universally renowned for partying, it seems entirely predictable that at some point he would open a nightclub, and this he did in 2008. Santos Party House, in downtown New York City, is his vision for what a completely safe space where anything goes would look like, and his signature eccentricities are all over it. He tapes neon signs to the wall for example, with slogans such as €œThank you for partying!€, €œYou have a beautiful face!€, "Dancing is unrestricted" and the quite literally true €œParty is our middle name!€ He even spends hours answering the phones in the club€™s office. But Santos Party House is also a uniquely democratic nightclub, and W.K. will often take a step back and let things develop naturally €“ after all, as he says in the video above, €œit€™s all about the fans€. Speaking to New York magazine, W.K. said that when he first arrived in the Big Apple, he felt like some bars and clubs were actively discouraging him to go, €œlike it was some kind of nuisance€ for him to be there. Responding to this negativity, he vowed to make a relentlessly positive environment, and Santos Party House is it. It has won numerous awards, meaning that W.K. and his co-owners Spencer Sweeney, Ron Castellano, and Larry Golden can genuinely say they run the best nightclub in New York City.
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Andrew WK
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A man who writes things.