10 Reasons Why The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal Was So Influential

7. Witchfinder General And The Roots Of Doom Metal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvxAjkKTge8 Recommended Listening: Debut album Death Penalty (1982) and follow-up Friends of Hell (1983) showcase some classic Proto-Doom along the lines of Pentagram and Black Sabbath. Witchfinder General may have been a part of the NWOBHM but instead of speeding up like Diamond Head and Raven they slowed right down to Sabbath-esque speed, in turn revitalising the Traditional Metal sound, which had become something of a joke - and igniting the spark which led to the Doom Metal explosion. That's not to say that this out and out Doom Metal as exemplified by Candlemass, Solitude Aeternus or My Dying Bride etc but the stepping stones are here; Proto-Doom foundations laid by fearless lovers of real Heavy Metal brave enough to take inspiration from bands long considered defunct and outdated. Cast adrift amongst a sea of bands who were playing faster and faster, Witchfinder General trod a defiantly different path and on their 2 full length albums Death Penalty (1982) and Friends of Hell (1983) they transformed a moribund scene and are well worth checking out if the likes of Saint Vitus and Trouble float your boat. Death Penalty remains a fascinating debut, its hard to call it accomplished and the band's inexperience is at times glaringly obvious, but there is a charm and some genuine songwriting talent on display. With fuzzed-up riffs and Zeeb Parkes acquired taste vocals, which instantly bring to mind Ozzy Osbourne, the Black Sabbath worshipping may appear plagiaristic but someone had to carry on where Sabbath left off after Ozzy departed and these boys stepped up. Perhaps, given time, their true identity would have emerged but for Witchfinder General it was practically over before it began. A relative footnote in British Metal, it's important to note their influence if not their craft and without them Doom Metal may have morphed into an entirely different beast.
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I love Heavy Metal, and generally anything that involves a guitar and loud noises, so I figured it was about time I put all the useless information in my head to good use and start writing a few things. Most of the time I'll be writing nonsense but occasionally I may surprise myself and appear half-way knowledgable.....but you can be the judge of that. Thanks for your fleeting attention!