10 Reasons Why The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal Was So Influential

6. Even The 'Lost' Albums Were Influential

All genres have some great albums which inevitably fall through the cracks and the NWOBHM is no exception. It would be rude not to acknowledge a few albums and EP's which deserve some much needed recognition so here are five lost classics and hidden gems from the NWOBHM era which demand your immediate attention.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD9ZPtEL__Y This EP, consisting of just 4 tracks running at a total of just 12 minutes, may seem inconsequential but here lies NWOBHM perfection, a year before Iron Maiden and many other NWOBHM bands hit the scene. How is it possible that a band with this much promise can fade away into obscurity? One listen to the opening riff from the track "Killer" (it rips off the riff from Budgie's "Breadfan" but who cares) and you know you're in capable hands, Mythra should have been huge! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WS8BQ1Oq0 Faux satanic, classic-rockers by definition, Witchfynde crafted a classic slice of early NWOBHM on their debut album Give 'Em Hell. Often progressive, the band weren't afraid to cut loose and experiment on stand-out tracks "Into The Ages Of The Ages" and "Leaving Nadir". A leading light of the NWOBHM scene and an inspiration for Black Metal (imagery as opposed to overall sound), Give 'Em Hell has stood the test of time remarkably well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBBVzujDxzQ A noticeably thin production can't disguise the influential proto-thrash conjured by these Geordie mavericks. Frequent line-up changes and incredibly even name-changes (from Satan to Blind Fury, back to Satan and then as Pariah) stalled their progress. Career suicide for any band attempting to solidify a fan-base, the talent here is more than apparent. Recently reformed, their album Life Sentence released in 2013 is also worth wrapping your ears around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTHS9qcwR_8 Comparisons to Witchfinder General are inevitable as Volume 1 is characterised by a similar NWOBHM meets Doom Metal sound, but Pagan Altar also deserved wider recognition and were instrumental in heralding the arrival of Doom Metal in the 1980's. Their sole release during the NWOBHM era was a self-released, self-titled cassette (later bootlegged) and was only officially re-released in 1998, retitled Volume 1. With music this good, one volume setting is all you need; loud! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DO8C8Hob8I&list=PLeCYJgir0D-t_weVyubhzS_s2htLRe8c0 Of all the NWOBHM bands who deserved to go on to bigger and better things, Hollow Ground were right at the front of the queue. They may have been a little rough around the edges but the confidence, accomplished songwriting and obvious ability on display is impossible to ignore. Every track on their Warlord EP is an example of cutting-edge Metal from the early 80's and this 'lost' band deserves to be found again.
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I love Heavy Metal, and generally anything that involves a guitar and loud noises, so I figured it was about time I put all the useless information in my head to good use and start writing a few things. Most of the time I'll be writing nonsense but occasionally I may surprise myself and appear half-way knowledgable.....but you can be the judge of that. Thanks for your fleeting attention!