10 Recent Must-Have Albums

7. Now Take Flight - Coyote Grace

coyotegrace Founded in Seattle's Pike Place Market, trio Coyote Grace combine all three's backgrounds and upbringings to create a blues-folk morph that gives the band an essentially incomparable sound that most closely resembles the Indigo Girls. Coincidentally, Amy Ray from the Indigo Girls says about Coyote Grace: "They write heartwrenching melodies and make such textured harmonies that I find myself enraptured and taken by their timelessness of song." Coyote Grace is led by vocalist Ingrid Elizabeth, instrumentalist Michael Connolly, and vocalist/instrumentalist Joe Stevens. All three contribute to the musical genius that clearly exists in every note that the band sings, plays, and performs. The trio have received acclaim from countless critics, such as Huffington Post, Performer Magazine, Hybrid Music, House Concert Review, and ReverbNation. Here's a live performance of track number 6 from their album Now Take Flight, "My Baby the Sun." Fun Fact: "Coyote" Joe Stevens was born a female, and went through the process of transitioning into a male. He has received support throughout his process and his experiences have enormously contributed to his progress as a musician, and the music he creates. http://youtu.be/wL6iPZKYHhc
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Sam took a four-year hiatus from writing for What Culture, but has returned ready to go. Sam created, produced, wrote, directed, and starred in the video game show Press Start during his years at university and continues to contribute material. He has self-published several books, and has written for other online magazines. Sam can be contacted via email at sam.tuchin@gmail.com, followed on Instagram @casthimnew or Twitter @antellopenguin