10 Ridiculous Album Covers

7. The Minister€™s Quartet - Let Me Touch Him

7 The Minister€™s Quartet are a Southern Gospel group hailing from Indiana. According to their website, the group€™s main objective is to spread awareness of Jesus Christ. We would just like to say, first of all, we€™re pretty sure at least 90% of the civilised world is aware of the Jesus Christ mythology. Therefore, either these guys have done an amazing job over the last couple of thousand years, or they are on a pointless mission. Anyway, let€™s have a look at this album cover. Four creepy looking dudes with €œLet Me Touch Him€ written in huge letters across the top. We thought this was the exact image that Christian Ministers were trying to escape from? Also, please check out their website - on the front page they have a picture of each of the 5 members of the group... that€™s right. There are now 5 members, but somehow they are still a quartet. Amazing stuff, guys!
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Interests include: Writing, bourbon, cigarettes, music, video games, Honey Badgers. Feel free to send any job offers, assignments, or searing fireballs of pure hatred to: gordstark@gmail.com