5. Mike Adkins - Thank You For The Dove

Mike Adkins is an evangelist who (according to his website) is on a mission to teach Gods children how to praise. This very album has sold more than 500,000 copies, which just goes to show that it doesnt matter if you have a ridiculous album name and nonsensical artwork - people will still be stupid enough to buy it. On to the subject of the album cover - who the hell gives somebody a Dove as a present? Thats irresponsible on many levels. How did they know that Mike has been briefed in proper Dove care? The thing that truly puts us on edge about this is Mike Adkins website where one of the articles on here genuinely states A little knowledge will turn your mind towards Atheism while a broader knowledge will turn your mind towards Christianity! Albert Einstein Nice try, Mike, but were pretty sure Einstein was too busy coming up with the theory of relativity to spout nonsense quotes such as this.