10 Rock Albums That Peak With The Second Song

7. Loaded - The Velvet Underground

Lou Reed - proof that you don't need to be any good at singing to have a successful career as a singer.

The late star's idiosyncratic style made him a cult favourite amongst music fans and he's still regarded as one of the coolest people to have ever lived. Reed first rose to fame as part of The Velvet Underground, who released their fourth album Loaded in 1970.

What is it with all these songs being off third or fourth records?

Anyway, Loaded was actually the final Underground release to feature Reed, who left the group shortly after. Thankfully, he stuck around to give us the gem that is Sweet Jane.

This chilled out ballad about two young lovers is one of the band's most famous and popular songs, especially if you discount their wildly popular debut album.

You know, the banana one.

The track expertly combines Reed's usual speak-singing strategy with some genuinely nice vocals in the chorus. There's also some semblance of rhythm on the piece, which is not always a given with a Reed composition.

The album was called Loaded? More like front-loaded!

Come on, that was fantasy!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.