10 Rock Albums That Were Stuck In Development Hell

1. Chinese Democracy - Guns N’ Roses

The development hell album to end all development hell albums, Guns N' Roses' infamous Chinese Democracy was the band's first original release in 17 years.

Basically, in the 1990s, everyone but Axl Rose left the band. The members were infighting like crazy, which meant that absolutely nothing relating to music ever got done.

Rose wanted to record a more industrial-sounding album, an idea nobody else liked.

The band then cycled through several new members and collaborators - ranging from Brian May to Moby - before Rose finally announced the name of the record in 1999.

But it still wasn't over.

Manager Doug Goldstein said in 2000 that the album was 99% done. He was wrong.

The recording process dragged out for another eight years, before Chinese Democracy eventually made its way into the public on November 23rd 2008.

After nearly two decades of bust-ups, line-up changes, recordings, re-recordings, songs being teased and then unteased again, and Axl Rose essentially turning into the rock version of delusional dictator, it was finally done.

The estimated cost of this album was a whopping $13million. Was it worth all that money? Well, take a listen and decide for yourself.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.