10 Rock Artists Who Got Banned From Certain Countries

7. Alice Cooper - Australia

From the deaths of live chickens during his concerts, to wielding snakes on stage, to making a death pact with own daughter, it's fair to say that shock rock royalty Alice Cooper has lived quite the life.

The School's Out singer has enjoyed a long and prosperous career that has taken him all over the world. One place he wasn't allowed to go to for a while was Australia, who banned him from their shores in 1975.

According to the singer's own website, the land down under's Labor and Immigration Minister Clyde Cameron spoke out against the evils of Cooper's stage show when announcing that he was forbidden from bringing it to Oz.

“I am not going to allow a degenerate who could powerfully influence the young and weak-minded to enter this country and stage this sort of exhibition here,” he said; clearly forgetting that his was the country that produced AC/DC.

Cooper responded in dismay by saying that his stage show was no bloodier than anything in Shakespeare, but Cameron was having none of it.

If only Alice had agreed to star as Mercutio in a production of Romeo and Juliet.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.