10 Rock Artists Who Got Banned From Certain Countries

5. Oasis - China

China isn't known for being the most open and accepting place.

For decades now, the government has maintained a strong influence over people's lives, essentially controlling what the population can and cannot see.

Whilst the Chinese censorship of movies is commonplace these days, the nation's government took the step to prohibit a very famous British music group from playing there.

Oasis have never been one to shy away from trouble, but surely not to this extent. The Gallagher brothers might be banned from each other's houses, but what could they have possibly done to get blacklisted from an entire country.

The answer, unfortunately, comes back to Tibet.

China have long laid claim to the region, despite protests from a large number of world figures. In 1997, a Tibetan Freedom concert was held in New York and guess who was on the bill?

That's right - Blur!

Oh, and also Noel Gallagher.

Due to his perceived links with the Free Tibet movement, Noel and the rest of his crew were banned from playing their first ever concerts in China in 2009.

So much for Don't Look Back in Anger.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.