10 Rock Artists Who Have Released A Ridiculous Number Of Albums

9. The Rolling Stones - 25

So many rock bands end up like the broom in that old joke - they've changed the head and the handle so many times that it's impossible to tell if its even the same one anymore.

Not The Rolling Stones though, who have held on to two of their main members for their entire six decade-long career.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards have been with The Stones since day one, anchoring the project through the stormiest of seas. Drummer Charlie Watts was also there from the very start, but he sadly passed away in 2021.

That just leaves The Glimmer Twins as the members who have been on all 30 of the band's studio albums.

From their self-titled UK number one from 1964 to their most recent collection of blues standards, Jagger and Richards have been there every step, thrust, and pose of the way.

The full size of The Stones' complete output is truly staggering, with compilations, singles, box sets, and video albums galore.

It's this dedication to music that has kept the band so popular for so long and that has ensured that there will always be something for you to buy your dad for Christmas at the last minute.

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Rock Music
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.