10 Rock Artists With Multiple Classics Under Their Belt

1. The Beatles

If the Beatles had cut things off at 1965, it would have been enough popularity to last any other musicians' lifetime. In just a few years, these lovable moptops from the UK had turned into some of the most famous people on Earth, bringing a clean cut image to rock and roll and songs that had a good chance of outlasting us all, like the excitement on A Hard Day's Night or the pure melancholy of Yesterday. That was when they were confined to the road though, and the Fab Four changed the face of rock once they made the studio their playground.

Starting from Rubber Soul, the band were looking to challenge themselves on every single recording, going into the world of folk rock before experimenting with avant garde and art rock sounds on Revolver and Sgt. Peppers, all while still making songs with amazing choruses like Got To Get You Into My Life and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. Even though The White Album was the first time the band seemed scattershot, each song on the record just shows a new facet of what made them tick musically like George Harrison's masterpiece While My Guitar Gently Weeps or Paul McCartney's metallic tendencies on Helter Skelter.

While their eventual swan song Let It Be was marred by grueling recording sessions and the band not getting along, Abbey Road still stands as the peak of their creative powers, working as a unit again to bring us some of the most inspired music that most of the rock world had ever seen, ending with a massive medley of tunes to close out their career. They may have gotten a reputation of writing a few too many love songs in their time, but the Beatles were always looking to expand rock's horizons and give us the kind of music that the pop world had never heard before.

In this post: 
David Bowie
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