10 Rock Band Reunions That REALLY Didn't Work

8. American Dream - Crosby Stills Nash and Young

Neil Young has never minced words about doing whatever the hell he wants to do. As much as his music can be a bit difficult to navigate from time to time, you have to admire the man's dedication to his muse, always looking for something else to excite him, even if it means plunging himself into a ditch in the process. He is a man of his word though, and seeing his old bandmate get clean was enough for him to go back to Crosby Stills and Nash one more time.

After years of excessive behavior, David Crosby had finally gotten clean on here, leading to the first major CSNY album in decades. This should have been fantastic news, were it not for the fact that most of the band seem to be on totally different creative pages. Going through every track on here, it's hard even deciphering what they're trying to be, as they tear through songs that sound like Fleetwood Mac at one minute and then Don Henley the next minute.

Even songs that have a more poignant bent to them seem to be undercut by the production as well, like the song This Old House being overblown to hell and Crosby's song Compass barely having a hook that you can latch onto for more than a minute. Seeing how Neil was about to go on a run for the ages and turn himself into the Godfather of Grunge, this just sounds like he wanted to fulfill his promise to rejoin for Crosby's sake and then get the hell out of there.

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