10 Rock Bands That Never Sold Out

5. Radiohead

Every artist at some point or another is going to have to change with the times. You can't be stuck playing the same kind of music forever, and if you do, you usually end up painting yourself into a corner and have nowhere to go afterwards. Though some bands try and fall flat on their face, Radiohead is the prime example of how to change with the times properly.

On their first record, you could definitely tell that the band were in danger of following trends, being more in line with the grungy sounds of Seattle. As the '90s drew to a close though, these British rockers went from borderline one hit wonders to one of the biggest bands in the world, with OK Computer being one the most celebrated achievements in rock and roll.

Just when they were supposed to double down on their sound though, Kid A came out and shattered everyone's expectations, with electronic soundscapes around every corner and a much more uncomfortable environment that somehow won over the fans once again. They've never really looked back from that album either, with each record looking to expand their artistic vision that one little bit more, whether that's the more organic sounds of Hail to the Thief or going for a slow and morose feeling album like A Moon Shaped Pool. Compared to bands that find a certain sound, nothing seems off limits for this band as long as it comes out the way Radiohead would do it.

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