10 Rock Collaborations That Made Absolutely No Sense

4. Aerosmith/Run-DMC

There's probably a certain stripe of rock fan who wants to take a knife to whoever thought that mixing rock and hip hop was a good idea. Given the amount of dumb music that has come from the likes of Limp Bizkit throughout the years, it's not like the eras of rap rock have been exactly mesmerizing from front to back. However, in the early days of the '80s, Aerosmith and Run-DMC made everything sound like a good time.

During the breaking in period when Run-DMC was first starting to gain traction outside of New York, their producer Rick Rubin turned them onto the song Walk This Way and convinced to cut their own version of it. As much as this idea sounds dreadful on paper, Aerosmith's classic song already has the bones of a great hip hop beat, as Steven Tyler's lines are focused more on the rhythm of the words than their actual carnal meaning.

Flipping the song on its head, the contributions from Joe Perry and Steven Tyler on the final version was enough to bring the Bad Boys From Boston out of the doldrums as well, making them starlets of the '80s for a second time around. Complete with a video of them literally breaking down barriers to perform with one another, this is the kind communal musical vibe that needs to happen more in rock music.


I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97