10 Rock Collaborations That Made Absolutely No Sense

5. Devin Townsend/Chad Kroeger

The entire discography of Devin Townsend might seem a bit much for your fairweather metal fan to really take in. While not being the most complex musical outfit out there, the raw execution of Townsend's solo outings and his work with Strapping Young Lad feels not so much like songs but musical skyscrapers with a melody over the top. Sometimes the foundations are so secure that you don't even notice the butt rock on display right in front of you.

In one of the more questionable decisions that Townsend has ever pulled, his latest solo outing had a guest contribution from Chad Kroeger of Nickelback on the song Hear Me. As much as the title might suggest, you almost wouldn't hear Kroeger's contributions to the song, as most of the track is coated in Townsend's signature brand of sludgy riffs and amazing soaring melodies.

Granted, if you wanted to hide the fact that you did put a member of Nickelback on your album, this is probably one of the more creative ways to pull that off. This is almost a strange form of music flexing on Devin's part, proving that he can put anyone on a record and somehow make it work. See...now you have at least one song that features a member of Nickelback that is actually half decent for a change.


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