10 Rock Music Albums No One Understood At First

2. The Stooges - The Stooges

As the '60s started to unfold, the rock scene was starting to get a whole lot more intense on both sides of the Atlantic. The Flower Power generation that had been kickstarted at Woodstock certainly had its place, but there was something a lot more dangerous sounding happening in rock and roll as well, with the British Blues Boom giving us acts like Cream and Led Zeppelin with a bit more power in their delivery. America wanted their say as well though, and the Stooges emerged as one of the biggest horrorshows that rock had seen at that point.

Although the Stooges' first record was meant to be rough around the edges, a lot of critics felt that it was more amateur hour than anything else, with Iggy Pop sounding like some punk kid on the street as the rest of the band strummed basic power chords behind him. That was before you saw them live though, with Iggy raising hell on the stage, which left most of the straight men of rock and roll terrified and running for the doors of the club, with the few stragglers still hanging on every single move that Iggy made onstage.

The public might not have been ready for it yet, but this kind of mayhem that was coming from the stage was the start of a new version of rock and roll, spearheading the punk movement by a few years and also paving the way for the more urgent and disgusting sounds that would come out of metal and even grunge music much later. Iggy may not have been the most likely person to be considered a role model at the time, but it's not a bad title being known as the King of the Punks either.

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Linkin Park
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