10 Rock Music Albums No One Understood At First

3. What's the Story Morning Glory - Oasis

You couldn't really script a more anti establishment act than Oasis in the early days. Even if you wanted nothing to do with their music, The Gallagher Brothers were masters at keeping themselves in the headlines whenever they could, whether it meant their obnoxious behavior at awards shows or putting out a single that consisted of nothing but them arguing and actually having it chart. That may have worked for the kids but not so much with the critics.

After still reeling over the fallout that came with the grunge revolution, there were more than a few critics who were harsh to Oasis for no good reason, seeing them as just being a poor man's version of what the Beatles were trying to do all the way back in the '60s. They may have picked out the Beatles comparisons pretty well, but they really looked out of touch when What's the Story Morning Glory came out, with critics saying that the band had gone soft while their star continued to rise.

This may have been one of the few instances where the hype seemed to kill some of the critics though, making them look more and more old fashioned until they started praising their next record Be Here Now, which both the fans and Noel Gallagher consider to be one of the band's weaker efforts. You can try to predict the future of rock and roll all you want, but the people never really know what they truly want until you actually give it to them.

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