10 Rock Music Bands Who Had Huge Potential (And Wasted It)

9. Viet Cong/Preoccupations

Currently known as Preoccupations, this Canadian post-punk outfit began life under the name Viet Cong. The change came about because people thought their original name was too offensive which, yeah, it was probably was.

The group was born out of an existing band called Women, who themselves could have been huge had the members not kept fighting each other. Their first album, which was also called Viet Cong, was a hit with critics, featuring in several high-ranking publications' year-end lists.

The stage was set for the Viet Cong to take over (not like that), but for one reason or another, it just never happened.

Since changing their name, the band have put out three new albums, each one scoring well amongst critics. None of this success has translated into mainstream appeal, though, as they've never once cracked the US mainstream charts.

It's entirely possible that Preoccupations could make it big one day as they're still a recording act, but it feels like all of the momentum from their initial hot streak has been squandered.

Did their unfortunate name really scupper their whole career? Maybe so.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.